Celebrate Independence Day the Hub & Spoke Way

Supporting independent audio.

Here at Hub & Spoke, we believe that high-quality independent audio is a precious and powerful cultural resource - especially at a time when political polarization is growing, civic institutions are fracturing, local news budgets are shrinking, and the big streaming-audio companies are canceling shows and laying off producers.

It takes time, effort, and artistry to craft the kinds of stories we share in our award-winning podcasts. So we hope you’ll consider making a gift to fuel our work.

From July 4 through July 14, we’re seeking donations in any amount ending with the number 4 - like $4, $14, $24, $74, $324, even $4,444. If it ends in 4, we will heartily accept your gift! 

To show our gratitude, we’ll enter everyone who gives giving during this period into a raffle for Hub & Spoke swag.

We’re a nonprofit with fiscal sponsorship from the Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston, and we put every cent we raise toward building our capacity to support storytellers both inside and outside our collective.

Want more Hub & Spoke content? Sign up below for our free newsletter, Penny Farthings, launching in July.

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